Monday, September 30, 2019

Legal philosophy Essay

The crucial element lies in bringing the guilty to justice; but for that to happen, it has to be determined first who is guilty and who is not, not just in terms of who committed the crime, but whether a certain action and the consequences of it fall under the category of crime at all, and under what criteria. There is a great scope of ambiguity and fuzziness here. The battle between good and evil seems to have been going on for all the time, and yet good and evil are highly relative terms. There exist no clear-cut distinctions, no separate black and white segments. In many ways, good and evil constitute a messy flux, and criminal justice system is needed to sort these things out on a continual basis. Law, with the moral and legal philosophy underlying it, directs the criminal justice system in this complex task of determining good from evil, the right from the wrong, as well as the right from the good. These laws are not static and fixed entities, they can and do change with time; legal philosophy is constantly evolving. Our perceptions and interpretations of the good and the right need to be reconsidered from time to time. The ongoing struggle is to evolve a society that is more firmly based on justice and freedom. Justice requires that each citizen have an equal and fair starting position in respect of the physical necessities, educational opportunities, and employment opportunities. And the principle of freedom requires that the government not force a single conception of the good upon individuals, but simply guarantee that individuals are free to pursue their various goods as they perceive them (Garner 2005). The choices freely made reflect a variety of views of what is good. Human beings are uniquely individual personalities, endowed with immense potentiality for mental and spiritual growth. The role of society lies in being caring and tolerant about the individual and the differences in the unique individualities of people, and displaying a commitment to respect all its members who are in the process of cultivating their freedom and realizing their potentiality. It is not the government’s business or right to determine what is good, but only to guarantee justice and freedom of choice to individuals. The guarantee of justice and freedom of choice will protect individuals’ pursuits of their various private conceptions of the good. In this way, the government ensures â€Å"The greatest good for the greatest number,† the principle on which utilitarianism is founded (Penslar 1995). Each individual is free to pursue his or her own conception of the good life, as long as it does not bring harm to others. The government should be neutral as to the conceptions of the good life, in order to respect persons as free and independent agents of action, capable of choosing their own ends. For example, the good lies in the fact of each individual being free to follow a religion or belief system of his own choice, or not to follow any should he choose to. Unfortunately, this condition is very likely to be violated in modern world where fundamentalism is gaining ground everyday. If we take the United States, for example, three things are happening 1) Evangelical Christianity is spreading like wild fire: â€Å"The Evangelical Christian movement is the fastest growing segment of American religion with 42% of all Christians in America identifying themselves as Evangelicals† (Cobia 2007) 2) as is common knowledge, the government is growing more powerful and centralized, and 3) a very high percentage of people in the government, including the president himself, are fundamentalist evangelical Christians (McMahon 2006). In such a scenario, it is very likely that, in the near future, basic individual freedom to choose his or her own would be breached and fundamentalism be imposed as a state-sponsored religion. When that happens, the theory of evolution will be removed from textbooks and Biblical doctrine of creationism taught in its place. Science would stagnate, progress would stop, and humanity may slip back to dark ages. Upon considering such a possibility, we can see how ensuring individual freedom to determine one’s own good is conducive to the good of the society as a whole, promotes progress and enlightens humanity. When individual freedom is lost, be it in religion or any other sphere of life, the spirit of humanity starts dying.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

How did reform movements from 1815 to 1850 change America? Essay

Reform movements from 1815 to 1850 tried to change America. Women’s rights movements, education movements, and thoughts of abolition were main inspirations. Women’s rights movements were becoming more common. More women than ever were coming together to protest. The Seneca Falls Convention was the first organized women’s rights movement. When women went to other conventions they were excluded, this convention was about women and for women. These conventions would eventually persuade congress to pass a law allowing women to vote in the 1900’s. Education movements were also a common thing among minorities. Young Americans in general along with women, African-Americans, and disabled people wanted the educational system improved. A common school movement was started to improve the quality of public schools and help prepare students for success. African Americans wanted schools to allow them in and to supply an education equal to that of young white males. Before the 1820’s women could not obtain a worthwhile education. Catherine Beecher helped the campaign for women’s education. Disabled people were not educated either. Samuel Howe improved the school system by developing methods for teaching the visually impaired. Among other impairments this was the most important to people of this time. After these movements the quality of education was not just a dream. Education changed dramatically during this period, the system went form only white males able to obtain an education to practically any person being able to. Abolition was probably the most important movement of this time. Slavery was becoming a great issue in the government and among commoners. Many of the abolitionists supported the idea of freeing the slaves but not the equality of the African American man. The fight for the outlawing of slavery became so great that the Underground Railroad and other escapes were created. Slavery was eventually outlawed by congress because fights were breaking out. Today most Americans look back and do not understand how this was even an issue. America has become a country against slavery because of the proceedings of this time era’s fight for abolition. These three movements, women’s rights, education, and abolition, were the most important influences on America today. They did not only try to change America but they succeeded. Women have equal rights with men, education is open to any being white, African American, or disabled, and slavery is outlawed.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Models of Evidence-Based Practice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Models of Evidence-Based Practice - Essay Example Through the bundles, the practitioners select the best practices then put them together in an attempt to offer the best services and deliver the expected outcomes. In the clinical setting, the practitioners select the most appropriate bundles for certain conditions to improve patient care (Kim, 2011). This model would help in creating a procedure that will see Total knee arthroplasty (TKA) be of less pain. Pantoja & Britton (2011) indicate that the multidisciplinary approach is one that focuses on speeding up the attainment of quality care. Through the model, it is easy to define mechanisms that will lead to collaborative learning among the healthcare providers. Pantoja & Britton (2011) argue that more focus is shed on patient through the Multidisciplinary model. Through this model, Total knee arthroplasty (TKA) would be conducted by a multidisciplinary team; thus, a successful procedure. According to Riva, et al (2012), PICOT focuses on â€Å"P† for the population or the disorder in question, â€Å"I† for the intervention, â€Å"C† for comparison with other infections, â€Å"O† for the outcome after a diagnosis and â€Å"T† for the time frame set for the outcome of the intervention administered to take place. These questions present a formula for developing researchable questions and evaluating the existing evidence. The PICOT Model would allow for a systematic practice of conducting Total knee arthroplasty (TKA). Doody & Doody (2011) indicate that the IOWA model highlights the importance of analyzing the whole healthcare system from its infrastructure, the patients as well as the providers. Through this, Doody & Doody (2011) say it is possible to identify solutions to problems that exist in the system. Through IOWA, the entire healthcare system will shift its focus on alleviating pain on patients after going through Total knee arthroplasty (TKA). I would recommend the PICOT Model for implementation to this research problem because it is inclusive and provides a

Friday, September 27, 2019

HW Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

HW - Essay Example s tend to blend, by themselves, with each other revealing a whole new picture far from the simple colored square-circle-circle pattern you can observe up close. This is where you can view the real image of the person in the portrait. This was not done by Close through simply blotting dots on the canvass but each element in the pattern was carefully done with so much accuracy and precision that the colors are in their respective spaces in order to achieve the perfect disclosure for the actual image of the portrait. This technique has been tried by many artists but has been completed by only a few and yes, it can be asserted that Chuck Close is one of the few who did perfectly well in this art style. Denvir (1999) defined Impressionism as a movement in the Art History focusing on the depiction of the light’s presence in order to represent the passing of time the same way as Claude Monet portrayed in his painting Impression, soleil levant (Impression, sunrise) which clearly showed the breaking of the dawn through the vaporous frontage of the sun. Claude Monet exemplarily embodied Impressionism with the 250 oil paintings he made of the Lilies in the Pond series where each is unique from another in terms of hue and panache qualitatively. The intricate brush strokes vividly illustrate the position of the light indicating the time at which the work was completed. The works of Monet is not just a panorama of lilies in a pond from different perspectives but this series of artworks exemplify the sequence of time in an exquisite manner. The tolerant comportment he applied in his paintings made each of Monet’s work to be so engulfing; captivating enough for you to lose grip of the ground you are in. Monet’s Water Lilies, Morning; Willows is a great inspiration for Optical Arts as it shows imaginary movement through the wobbly patterns and the choice and contrast of colors make the painting appear to be moving. Though there is neither a defined perspective nor a

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Individual report on the social marketing campaign (summative) and Essay

Individual report on the social marketing campaign (summative) and Group presentation on a social marketing campaign (summative - Essay Example Non smokers are also affected through passive smoking as they will be exposed to the risk of inhaling tobacco substances from the smokers. Thus, everyone has a responsibility to promote safe health among all the people. As such, this reflective report is primarily concerned with reviewing the following brief: â€Å"role of social marketing campaign in influencing behaviour change towards smoking.† The report seeks to critically discuss the main factors that can influence a successful social marketing campaign. In some instances, social marketing campaigns fail to achieve their objectives given that the marketers will overlook some of the important aspects that can lead to behaviour change towards smoking. Thus, the main weakness in the presentation of the brief above is that it did not meet the criteria of implementing a successful social marketing campaign and it is going to address the necessary procedures that can be taken in order to design and implement an effective commu nication campaign. Why social marketing? Social marketing is very effective in promoting behaviour change through the use of communication campaigns. ... gn is a purposive attempt to inform, persuade, or motivate behavioural changes in a well defined and large audience generally for non commercial benefits to the individuals and society at large by means of organised communication.† Tobacco smoke produces chemicals that can flow to every part of the body but the immediate effects of these chemicals may not be readily visible to the human eye in a short period of time which is the reason why some of the smokers end up developing what is termed cognitive dissonance. This is a situation whereby the smokers will find solace in the fact that they have been smoking for a long period but have never experienced illnesses related to this bad habit (Rice &Atkin 1989, as cited in McQuail 2000). However, the media play an important part since the campaign is intended to change the behaviour of the targeted audiences. In this particular case, there is need for the group to take into consideration the theories of communication and the media i n order to successfully implement the anti tobacco smoking campaign. For instance, the agenda setting theory in the media posits to the effect that the repeated conveyance of the message will be setting an agenda for the public (McQuail, 2000). In most cases, there is need for the marketers involved in the social marketing campaign to target the opinion leaders since these have greater influence on the behaviour of the targeted audiences. Individuals are more likely to be influenced by people who are similar to them while at the same time they will be perceived as more trustworthy than the strangers. Peer education which derives from this theory is effective in combating this particular problem whereby it can be noted that a particular group of targeted audience is likely to be influenced

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited Essay

Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all - Essay Example Knowledge is power and without knowledge we cannot progress as a human. Knowledge is what distinguished an ignorant person from a man of intelligence. The power of knowledge cannot be ignored in any society. On the other hand, imagination is the mother of all knowledge. Imagination is what enables us to form a mental of something that cannot be comprehended through the senses. It is what enables men to stumble upon great inventions and the ability to build a mental sense for great achievements. Imagination is more important than knowledge because without imagination, men cannot achieve new things. Imagination is what empowers us to dream of things that can be achieved which eventually lead to knowledge. â€Å"Knowledge is limited, whereas imagination embraces the entire world, stimulating progress, giving birth to evolution" (Einstein). Therefore, I completely agree with Einstein’s quote that imagination is more important than knowledge as imagination goes beyond limit wherea s, knowledge has its limitations. According to the Cambridge dictionary, knowledge is defined as â€Å"understanding of or information about a subject which a person gets by experience or study, and which is either in a persons mind or known by people generally† (Knowledge n.d.). Knowledge is gained through experiences, skills and personal abilities. The main sources of knowledge can be traced to instinct, reason and intuitions. In order to compete in a highly competitive world, knowledge is essential. Knowledge is what makes a man powerful and it also enables him to compete with others. Knowledge is man’s ability to develop concepts and materialize them into reality through manipulations and calculations. It also enables a person to make the right judgments which are pivotal for every human being. â€Å"Knowledge concerns itself with what is present to the senses, but is also a stored and shared repository of publicly acceptable thoughts, many frozen into physical

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Agricultural sector for the country Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Agricultural sector for the country - Coursework Example Therefore, agriculture is rated as one of the crucial economic sector in Cambodia, this is because it represents more than 30 percent of the country’s GDP. Most of the Cambodia household lives in the rural regions. With such a population, most families depend on agriculture. The agricultural sector offers employment to more than 50 percent of the population. The highest rate of employment experienced by the country was in 1998, where it recorded a rate of 78%. Most income for rural household is low, thereby resulting to food insecurity. A percentage of the Cambodia population stays in plateau region that had limited access. However, due to the contribution of agriculture to the economy, the roads are well connected to major cities. Therefore, Agriculture has remained to be one of the most important sectors in Cambodian economy, based on its share of GDP (Gross Domestic Product) in the country and contribution to

Monday, September 23, 2019

Owning vs. Renting - phase 3 ip Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Owning vs. Renting - phase 3 ip - Essay Example The bank is going to ask for a down payment. A down payment can range between 10 to 20%. Let’s assume I have the down payment money. The bank is also going to ask for closing cost on the mortgage. The average closing cost is 3%, but in certain states it can go up as high as 5% to 6% (Federalreserve). I am making about $4000 a month gross, but clean I’m taking home a little less than $3,000 a month. Assuming I put a 10% down payment the high price range of a home based on my salary would be $200,000 on a 30 year mortgage. My mortgage payment assuming a 6% interest rate would be $1079.19 (Yahoo). After doing some research on the prices of apartments in our hometown of Austin, Texas I determined that I can find an apartment for rent for about $800. For example a two bedroom, one bath apartment at the Walnut Creek Crossing complex cost $805 a month (Apartments). A one room could be found for about $200 less per month, but it is better to have a second room for either a home office or as a guest room when friends or relatives come over. Along with the mortgage or rent payment another factor that must be considered are insurance costs. The insurance costs are much higher for the buying alternative than for the leasing. Homeowners insurance is mandatory for people that have mortgages because in case of an accident that destroys the home somebody has to pay for it. Home owner’s insurance policy is divided into two parts: a) home insurance property protection, b) home insurance liability protection (Answers). Renters can also have insurance protection to protect their personal items in case of natural disaster, but this type of insurance is not mandatory. Another cost to consider when buying a home is the state taxes that must be paid on the property on a yearly basis. After evaluating both alternatives I have come to realization that the best option for me at this point in my life is to rent

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Impotance of Discipline Essay Example for Free

Impotance of Discipline Essay Discipline is the basis of the whole universe. The Earth, the Sun, the Moon and other plane s, all are governed by a set of laws to maintain perfect harmony and beauty. There will be chaos without this order. Similarly, discipline is one of the basic requirements of a civilized life. Every society has to set certain norms for its people to maintain peace and order. The strength of a nation lies in discipline. It helps to make progress, fight external invasion and maintain national unity. Citizens of a disciplined nation work in a spirit of cooperation and utility. History tells us that whenever a country is torsi by internal strife, its morale drops and opportunist neighbour often takes advantage of the situation. However, discipline does not mean negation of personal liberty. It means a self- imposed discipline. In a democratic country like India, if people object to a certain law, then they can mobilize public opinion and force the Government to withdraw it. But it is possible only if they do not take the law in their own hands. They must act with restrain and organize peaceful agitation; otherwise there is every possibility of violence and threat to public and national property. The importance of discipline in educational institutions is well-recognized. Unfortunately, we notice that discipline in our schools and colleges has considerably declined, Students are disrespectful to their teachers; they misbehave in the classrooms organize strikes; take the law into their hands. This is certainly an alarming trend. Undoubtedly, it is discontentment that leads to breakdown of law and order. The urgent need of the hour is to make an in-depth study of the education system whether it is still relevant to our needs and growing population. In order to improve the atmosphere in the educational institutions the government must look into the genuine grievances of the teachers and the students. Over-crowded classrooms, poor teaching, poor salaries of the teachers all contribute to indiscipline and discontentment. The rapid growth in our population has led to more students seeking admission. The number of schools and colleges has not increased proportionately. Besides, to check the students from flocking to colleges, there is a need to vocationally education at the 10+2 stage, offer facilities for industrial and technical training after school to help them become self-reliant. This will also check the rising unemployment. Teaching, being a grossly under played job, does not attract the best and dedicated people. This affects the quality of teaching and makes students feel disillusioned. As a result they become restless and start cutting classes. The government has recently taken certain concrete steps to improve the situation. Discipline is the life -breath of the army. Military discipline imposes upon members of the armed forces a certain code of conduct. It demands of its officer’s loyalty to the country, a spirit of fellowship and a readiness to cope with an emergency. No army can fight successfully without discipline. The importance of discipline in the social and political life of a nation is also very great. An element of apathy and resignation has been the cause of our country still being so backward. We have made so much progress in technology and science, but still as people we have not been able to shake off our backwardness. Indians are known for their warmth and friendliness, yet they are narrow-minded, bigoted and indifferent One has only to go to government offices to see it. Workers shirk their duty, they are indifferent to their responsibilities, spend their office hours in canteen and pay no attention either to the long queues of people waiting or to the rising pile of unattended urgent files. Thus, the work accumulates. Both the public and the government suffer for their negligence. It is only when they will impose self-discipline and perform their duty with dedication that things will improve. People create chaos even in public places by their indiscipline behaviour. They show utter lack of order while boarding buses, trains. Out ¬side cinema halls, they promote malpractices in the form of black-marketing of tickets. Eve-teas ¬ing is another example of irresponsible behav ¬iour on the part of our youth. Today, women don’t feel safe in our cities because of unruly behaviour of goondas. In the political sphere also there is a need for discipline. Personal ambition and petty jealousy are the driving force for the men in power. This is a source of great pain to the people. The ruling party itself is divided by internal politics. It cannot set an example for the nation to follow. This has lowered the image of the ruling party in the eyes of the common man. The government must take immediate steps to improve its image and restore people’s faith in the party. This can be achieved only if each party member follows a certain code of ethics. Discipline is important even in the domestic life. Parents must raise their children in congenial atmosphere and teach them the right values. They should set an example for their children by leading orderly and peaceful lives. It is often seen that children from broken homes become very aggressive and indiscipline. They pose a danger to the society. Children must grow in secure, happy homes to become balanced adults, Perhaps the best service to the country lies in an effort of parents to bring up their children in a disciplined manner. Discipline though difficult is essential for personal growth as well as national prosperity. Absence of it can lead to failure, defeat and backwardness. Today in society, it is very important to learn to live in harmony with fellow human beings in a spirit of co-operation and mutual co-existence. All this is possible only if every individual follows a personal code of ethics and the one laid by the law for the prosperity of the nation and the progress of the society.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Case Study - An Ethical Dilemma Essay Example for Free

Case Study An Ethical Dilemma Essay Jackie, a young star with a prominent voice who gets picked up by a professional recording label after performing at a national talent competition. Overwhelmed with excitement, thinks it is a dream come true to start a career with a lucrative contract. Meets and has an intimate encounter with her soon to be manager, Kevin. Months go by as their relationship begins to flourish but soon she starts to hear rumors that Kevin has helped a new girl in the legal department get her position threw their own personal relations. Jackie has suspicions that Kevin may be having other deeper interactions with this new girl. Jackie’s suspicions turn out to be true and she is devastated. She obviously breaks off the relationship with Kevin but cannot afford to lose him as her manager. Time goes by with awkward silence between the two but eventually Jackie decides to be professional with her career and continues to keep Kevin on as her manager. This lasts awhile until Kevin starts to make inappropriate sexual advances towards her. She tries to laugh it off but as he continues she threatens to make a formal complaint to legal. He does eventually stop but has stopped all efforts to promote her music thus making it very difficult for her to continue on with her success. She eventually does decide to make a complaint with legal, there is where she runs into Leslie, the girl that Kevin had got the position for in legal. She tells her, â€Å"even I believed you, you didn’t report this relationship which goes against our superior-employee ethics code†. So either she had the choice to let the matter go or to make a complaint which would in turn have her also reprimanded. She is forced with  an ultimate decision and eventually decides to do nothing. Summarized Ethical Issue at Heart The unethical issue at heart is the manager, Kevin, making inappropriate gestures towards Jackie after they had broken up. Doing so with Jackie’s vulnerable position of whether or not to report the issue which would do more harm than good. Or to leave the matter alone and just hope that Kevin would leave her alone. Neither option are better suited for Jackie who in this case is the victim, which leads to the question of appropriate ethical responsibility of the company. Details that are missing in the case A 3rd party perspective on the details of both parties. More detail as to what accusations were being made towards Kevin and Jackie. Whether Kevin had proper ethical training. List of all stakeholders who would be involved with this ethical dilemma. Employees Other artists Board of Trustees Investors Legal Department Customers Community Media Three stakeholders and the concerns they may have. Employees Don’t like how they are working for an unethically sound company. Thinking how it could happen to them if they were put in the same situation If the  problem was ever made public how would my job security look? Would this company’s name stain my resume? Investors How will my portfolio look if this artist is to become successful with another producer? Will this story become public? Will my shares plummet from this company’s bad publicity? What would happen to the company outlook if the entire company was to go thru proper corporate ethical training? Could it be a success? Board of Trustees This will look bad if the story was to made public How must will it cost to perform proper corporate training on proper ethical behavior? Do the managerial levels need to be reevaluated? Could the company be looking at a lawsuit? Five solutions. Perform corporate training at all levels reviewing proper ethical conduct Fire the manager Workout an undisclosed settlement See if another manager is available to take her on Leave and try to find successes elsewhere Top three solutions with possible consequences. 1. Perform corporate training at all levels, monitor it and have employees sign off on regulating polices that are being implemented regarding superior-employee relations as well as all other common ethical practices. Doesn’t really solve the problem at hand, may be good for the future but doesn’t help Jackie Company sets public perception that their ethical standards are in question Very timely and costly Risk of employees losing interest/possible turnover of employees 2. Fire and Replace the Manager May get sued by Kevin for wrongful termination Jackie’s verbal threats may continue Incident is likely to be made public Board of Trustees would have to look over all management positions Loss of all positive profits that Kevin may have acquired 3. Workout an undisclosed settlement Costly Sets a standard for future wrong doings May not stay quiet Fellow employees and/or artist may exercise more scrutiny as they mature on with their job Three Stakeholders and Top Three Solutions with two pros and two cons effects on the Stakeholder. Make company employees take corporate training on proper ethical behavior Will benefit the company’s overall performance Give the media something different to talk about with regards to the company Very costly Employees may decline to take it/possible employee turnover Fire and Replace the Manager Jackie would be satisfied The company would have a bad employee released Fellow artists may lose that label Manager could sue for wrongful termination Workout an undisclosed amount Jackie would be happy and the problem would be resolved Stays quiet Costly Solves no future problems Two ethical principles upheld or violated by the top three solutions. Make company employees take corporate training on proper ethical behavior Provides positive integrity to the company As long as the training provided was paid hours it shouldn’t be seen in any way of being unethical Trust and Communication Fire and Replace the Manager Fails to meet ethical standards simply because not enough information is known Unethical towards the employees as some could suddenly be put into a disadvantage Work out an undisclosed amount Completely unethical from the rest of the company’s standpoint as this option would be odd and serve no purpose towards the rest of the company Financially unethical to use funds to serve as a settlement rather than other purposes of the company Performing corporate training at all levels, monitoring it and have employees sign off on regulating polices that are being implemented regarding superior-employee relations as well as all other common ethical practices will provide positive integrity to the company. If the training hours were paid and it didn’t have an effect on daily routine then it doesn’t seem to be unethical to request training hours. Firing the manager Kevin would solve Jackie’s problem but only hers alone. To be fair which is a principle of  ethics would be to implement a code that would benefit the company as a whole. Although what Kevin is accused of doing is warranted of being fired there just isn’t enough information for the company to let him go. Her words against his wouldn’t be enough to fire him. This is why a revamp of full corporate training probably stands to be the best possible solution for this situation. Decision and Implementation Identify the best solution. Implementing corporate training throughout the entire staff of the company maybe specializing in specific areas would be most likely to be the best possible solution. There are a lot more benefits to educating employees on proper ethics. A workplace in which an ethics code has been instilled is a naturally pleasant place. Employee morale rises in an atmosphere that promotes good behavior and honest interactions. Reasons why this is the best solution. It creates a better atmosphere in the workplace, teaches an office how to work as a team, promotes personal responsibility, and has always shown to boost staff morale. A work ethics training program promotes teamwork by instilling trust in co-workers. People are more likely to be amenable to working together when they appreciate and respect one another. Why the other solutions were rejected Firing the manager Kevin as well as making an undisclosed settlement were found to be unethical towards other members of the company. It would not be a good example to set if the company were to single out an incident and act in an irregular way towards that issue. There also wasn’t enough facts to the case to make the decision to fire the manager, Kevin. Especially doing so knowing full well it would affect other stakeholders. Possible objections to the solution The company may find that employee may complain that they do not need to take part in training. A mandatory requirement may need to be implemented for all employees. A turnover rate within the employees may be seen. Investors or Board of Trustees will look at all avenues of the cheapest method of implementing training. How would you overcome these objections? Make it a requirement to attain a certain number of ethics training hours. Find other avenues of funding that can contribute to the program to make sure that employees are receiving the best training. Self-inflicted training from the managerial level is a cheaper method to instruct employees. References Ethical Dilemma. (n.d.). Forbes. Retrieved , from Advantages of Training Employees About Work Ethics. (n.d.). Small Business. Retrieved , from Ethics Training in the Workplace. (n.d.). Ethics Training. Retrieved , from Institute For Ethical Awareness. (n.d.). Institute For Ethical Awareness. Retrieved , from The Online Business Ethics Training Program | Ethics Training Guide. (n.d.). Ethics Training Guide. Retrieved , from

Friday, September 20, 2019

The Computer Ethics | Essay

The Computer Ethics | Essay The computer and the Internet is probably the greatest tool that people rely on in the modern world today. However, they are the most unrestricted form of technology. Identity theft, stealing, fraud, and plagiarizing can now be done electronically and anonymously. There are people in the world that intend to hurt others through the computer. As such, it is important to not only understand a code of ethics to prevent harming yourself and others, but to also develop methods to protect yourself. Code of Ethics It is always important that when operating a computer that one does not harm other people. Unethical decisions in the use of the computer are as varying and harmful as acts committed directly against other people. The internet is very vast, and it does contain information and data, but it also provides dangers. There are as many dangerous activities through the internet as outside the computer and then some. Viruses, hacking, committing fraud, plagiarizing can all be done through a computer. Therefore, a code of honor should be established for anyone wishing to use the computer. Ten Commandments of Computer Ethics. The Computer Ethics Institute created the Ten Commandments of Computer Ethics. 1. Thou shalt not use a computer to harm other people. 2. Thou shalt not interfere with other peoples computer work. 3. Thou shalt not snoop around in other peoples computer files. 4. Thou shalt not use a computer to steal. 5. Thou shalt not use a computer to bear false witness. 6. Thou shalt not copy or use proprietary software for which you have not paid. 7. Thou shalt not use other peoples computer resources without authorization or proper compensation. 8. Thou shalt not appropriate other peoples intellectual output. 9. Thou shalt think about the social consequences of the program you are writing or the system you are designing. 10. Thou shalt always use a computer in ways that insure consideration and respect for your fellow humans. (Lee) Personal Care. A computer is personal property to the owner, and he or she may do as they wish with the computer. However, a computer is the same as any property such as a house or a car. It is important to take care of the computer so that it operates safely as long as possible. This means to avoid any behaviors that would harm the computer or that will harm you. An example is giving personal information to sites that should not be trusted and could result in identity theft. Maintain an anti-virus software program to prevent virus attacks and always maintain and update the Computer. If a computer was a car, the same rule applies. A car should regularly be checked and sent for a tune-up. Respect Property. As always, it is important to take care of your computer. However, it is just as important to respect and properly use other computers. The same old rule applies; treat others property as you want your property to be treated. There are several risky behaviors on the computer that can harm it, and should be avoided on another persons computer. As a general rule, treat another computer better than your own. Not only does this apply to a friends personal computer, but also to the computers at school or at the library that provide public access. Remember that access to these computers is a privilege and should be respected. There are several important behaviors to observe when operating a different computer than your own. First, never operate a computer without permission. There may be special circumstances that you may be unaware. Second, always take good care of the equipment; the keyboard, the mouse, CDs, and hard drive itself. Finally, never download material or do anything potentially harmful to the computer. An illegal act could cause trouble for the owner or harm the computer and information it contains. Intellectual Property Intellectual property is any creation of the mind. Certain property is protected under Copyright Law, such as: Scientific discoveries Works of art or literature Inventions Designs Films or television programs Trademarks and names Computer programs Entertainment The Internet and Intellectual Property. As mentioned several times, the Internet is a source of a vast amount of information. The Internet is not a library or book, the Internet is for the most part unmanaged, unedited, unsupervised; anyone can post information on Internet for all to see. (Emmans) Information or creative works are not limited to copyright protected companies or organizations. Anyone can place information or creative work on the Internet. There are no physical boundaries to protect against the infringement of copyright. With free access to the Internet, any user may steal information anonymously and claim it as their own and this makes Intellectual Property almost unenforceable on the Internet. Protecting Against Plagiarism. Fortunately, there are tools available on the Internet to ensure users that they properly give credit to the information on the Internet. First, many sites available assist students in creating the proper citations for their sources. Good examples of these include Easybib and Citationmachine. These sites allow the user to enter the information of the source that they used, from either the Internet or elsewhere, and the device creates the proper citation. Jus the same, there are websites available to check the authenticity of a source of information, either a website or another type of information. An example is, which allows teachers to analyze students work for plagiarized information. Other sites can be used to find if other website is credible or not. Finally, databases are an excellent tool for student or researchers. Databases contain well-documented articles from professional journals to even whole books, while also providing the sour ce information. Any student should take advantage of the tools available on the Internet to properly cite information and to find real sites. Placing Information on the Internet. When placing items on the Internet always make sure that the source of the information or media is cited. Also, when running a website, always include information to the ownership of the site and when it was updated. In this way, people can cite your website if they wish. Also, when maintaining a website, update regularly and maintain the site constantly. A website that has not been updated in years or does not have the proper links does not appear to be a good website. Limiting Access Free Speech. In American, everyone has a right to free speech, but where does this cross the line on the Internet? While people have a freedom of speech, there are limits in the physical world. For example, a person cannot slander or falsify against someone that will harm them. For example, claiming that a political opponent stole money from the treasury when this is not true is illegal. However, in the realm of the Internet, where there are no boundaries or enforcement, anything that can be said is said without punishment. The Internet is an excellent source of information, but as said before, websites should be evaluated before they are considered trustworthy or capable. An excellent example is Wikipedia, a free-access reference site. The site is well maintained and there is plenty of information with credible sources. However, anyone can edit a page on Wikipedia, and some of the facts may be false if not blatantly. In addition, on the Internet, there is a large amount of media, music, videos and images, even derogatory images and videos. Given that there is free-access, children may accidentally find these inappropriate images from innocent searches. Schools and Libraries. Schools and Libraries can help protect students and children from unrestricted access to the Internet. School and Library servers can now be fitted with restrictions that will block harmful or inappropriate websites. For students, this is very helpful in keeping them from exploring harmful sites while still having access to find information. In Libraries, it is important to protect the computers and restrictions on the internet help in this task, since many people come and go on the computers. (Emmans) Parental Control. Still the best protection for children is parental oversight. Children should not operate the computer or navigate the Internet themselves. This should also be applied to teenagers. Cindy Emman writes, A minor walking into a store to try to buy pornography can be stopped; a minor logging into the Internet can easily pose as an adult no one is the wiser. Parents should monitor teens use of the computer and teach their children proper use of the internet. (Emmans) Conclusion There are many concerns for the use of the computers. There are many harms that are created by others and there are harms created by the operator. Fortunately, there are methods developing to defend against harmful viruses, internet theft, and plagiarizing. The key for the prosperity of the computer is that each owner of the computer exhibits proper behavior, and anyone can turn to the Ten Commandments of Computer Ethics as a guide. Remember; never do anything that would harm another.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

The Good Earth :: essays research papers

In The Good Earth, Pearl Buck describes the lifestyle and customs of the Chinese through the character of Wang Lung. She also shows the rise of a simple peasant to the enviable position of a wealthy landowner. At the beginning of the novel, Wang Lung, a poor farmer, is ready to marry O-Lan, a slave who is purchased from the great house of Hwang. She is a sturdy, silent woman who has immense resourcefulness. She is Wang Lung's helpmate throughout the book. Wang Lung and O-Lan, in the span of a few years, have five children. Wang Lung has always believed that the earth is a wonderful provider. When he manages to save some silver from his farming efforts, he decides to invest it in the good earth. He buys a parcel of land belonging to the House of Hwang. Wang's Uncle, who is lazy and evil, knows of his nephew's success and repeatedly comes to Wang to beg for help and food. It is the Chinese custom to help relatives, so Wang reluctantly aids him. Unfortunately, a famine strikes, and everyone, including the Wang family, suffers. The Uncle spreads the rumor that Wang is hoarding food and money, which causes the famished villages to plunder Wang's house; but they find nothing, for Wang is also starving and unable to provide for the basic needs of his family. As a result, Wang takes his family and flees to the South, where they eke out a living. Wang pulls a rickshaw through the streets to earn money. During Wang's stay in the South, the first rumbles of the revolution are heard. One day in Kiangsu, the angry peasants break down the gates of a huge mansion and enter it to plunder and pillage its riches. At first, Wang Lung is unable to steal anything; but when he sees the fat Lord clobbering the peasants, he picks up as much gold as he can and leaves. Wang returns to his homeland with his family. He keeps buying more and more land from the House of Hwang, which has now fallen into decay. As his children grow up, his life begins to prosper. Wang educates his first two sons. The eldest, Nun En, marries a girl from a well-bred family. The second son, Nun Wen, becomes a grain merchant. The third child, a daughter born during the famine, is retarded; Wang loves her dearly and affectionately calls her "poor fool.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Social Exchange Theory Essay -- essays research papers

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Social Exchange Theory 2 Application of: The Social Exchange Theory In everyday interactions people are always looking to have a positive experience among those with whom they interact. According to the Social Exchange theory, with each interaction an individual has with another, that individual attempts to maximize the positive outcomes and minimize the negative. The purpose of this paper is to apply the Social Exchange theory to an authentic real life situation to best illustrate the theory and the key concepts that it holds. In applying the social exchange theory from demonstration, to application, to then explanation, a better understanding in terms of the value of the theory will be shown, as well as the function that it has in everyday life. An episode that best characterizes the Social Exchange theory is one that involves my ex-girlfriend, and myself. We had been having our share of problems when, one day, every argument and disagreement we had culminated into this moment when everything just seemed to explode. She had been angry with me for having left San Diego to attend school in Santa Barbara and I was angry with her for her being angry. I wanted support, and instead, all I received was a guilt trip about how I was never there for her. After five minutes of talking, or rather complaining, we both agreed to disagree. In that instant the two of us had the realization, as many couples do, that it just was not working and the negatives far outweighed the positives. There was no minimizing the negative outcomes because everything had a negative ending. Later, the Social Exchange theory will be   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Social Exchange Theory 3 applied to this episode, but for now it is best to comprehend how the Social Exchange theory works.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   To fully understand the Social Exchange theory is to understand its concept. The Social Exchange theory, as stated by Unger and Johns... ...;  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  With the use of applying this theory to an episode as a demonstration, an application, and then an explanation, it is easy to see how the Social Exchange theory is related to everyday situations. Not only can the theory be applied to amorous relationships, but to that of friendships. The utility of the theory is seen in just about every type of interaction and is key to better understanding why relationships, friendships, or any mutual interaction, for that matter, turn out being costly or rewarding.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Social Exchange Theory 8 References   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Jennifer Unger & C. Anderson Johnson, â€Å"Explaining Exercise Behavior and Satisfaction with Social Exchange Theory,† Perceptual and Motor Skills 81 (1995): 603-608. West, Richard, & Turner, Lynn H. (2000). Introducing Communication Theory: Analysis and Application. Mountain View, CA: Mayfield publishing.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Social Exchange Theory Essay -- essays research papers   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Social Exchange Theory 2 Application of: The Social Exchange Theory In everyday interactions people are always looking to have a positive experience among those with whom they interact. According to the Social Exchange theory, with each interaction an individual has with another, that individual attempts to maximize the positive outcomes and minimize the negative. The purpose of this paper is to apply the Social Exchange theory to an authentic real life situation to best illustrate the theory and the key concepts that it holds. In applying the social exchange theory from demonstration, to application, to then explanation, a better understanding in terms of the value of the theory will be shown, as well as the function that it has in everyday life. An episode that best characterizes the Social Exchange theory is one that involves my ex-girlfriend, and myself. We had been having our share of problems when, one day, every argument and disagreement we had culminated into this moment when everything just seemed to explode. She had been angry with me for having left San Diego to attend school in Santa Barbara and I was angry with her for her being angry. I wanted support, and instead, all I received was a guilt trip about how I was never there for her. After five minutes of talking, or rather complaining, we both agreed to disagree. In that instant the two of us had the realization, as many couples do, that it just was not working and the negatives far outweighed the positives. There was no minimizing the negative outcomes because everything had a negative ending. Later, the Social Exchange theory will be   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Social Exchange Theory 3 applied to this episode, but for now it is best to comprehend how the Social Exchange theory works.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   To fully understand the Social Exchange theory is to understand its concept. The Social Exchange theory, as stated by Unger and Johns... ...;  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  With the use of applying this theory to an episode as a demonstration, an application, and then an explanation, it is easy to see how the Social Exchange theory is related to everyday situations. Not only can the theory be applied to amorous relationships, but to that of friendships. The utility of the theory is seen in just about every type of interaction and is key to better understanding why relationships, friendships, or any mutual interaction, for that matter, turn out being costly or rewarding.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Social Exchange Theory 8 References   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Jennifer Unger & C. Anderson Johnson, â€Å"Explaining Exercise Behavior and Satisfaction with Social Exchange Theory,† Perceptual and Motor Skills 81 (1995): 603-608. West, Richard, & Turner, Lynn H. (2000). Introducing Communication Theory: Analysis and Application. Mountain View, CA: Mayfield publishing.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Issues in special education Essay

Legal disputes between parents and school officials can be very costly. The cost is not just in dollars. It also involves costs in terms of the diversion of resources, the toll on school personnel, and, most importantly, the breakdown in the relationship between the parents and the school. The best way to deal with a legal dispute is to prevent it from occurring in the first place. In 1975 Congress passed landmark legislation designed to provide the nation’s students with disabilities with unprecedented access to educational services. Originally known as the Education for All Handicapped Children Act (1975), that legislation is now known by its new title, the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (1997). The statute, as amended, calls for school districts to provide students with disabilities with an appropriate education in the least restrictive environment. The law also provides students with disabilities and their parents with due process rights, including the right to contest school district decisions regarding the provision of a free appropriate public education. Consequently, since the enactment of the law in 1975, literally thousands of lawsuits have been filed challenging school district decisions. The IDEA is not the only law governing special education in the schools. In addition, section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act and the ADA provide students with disabilities with additional protections. Section 504 prohibits discrimination against individuals with disabilities by recipients of federal funds. The ADA expands section 504’s discrimination prohibition to the private sector, but includes provisions applicable to public entities. In addition, all states currently have laws governing the provision of special education. Procedural issues Evaluation and Classification The IDEA requires states, and consequently school districts, to establish procedures to assure that all students with disabilities are properly identified and evaluated (IDEA, Â § 1412, a, 2, 1997). Those procedures, along with the test instruments chosen, may not be culturally or racially biased. In fact, students whose language or mode of communication is not English, must be evaluated in their native language or usual mode of communication (IDEA, Â § 1414, b, 3, 1997). The IDEA stipulates that all assessments are to be administered by trained personnel in conformance with the instructions provided by the test producer (IDEA, Â § 1414, b, 2, 1997). If a student is found to be eligible for special education, the school district is required to develop an individualized education program (IEP) for that child, but the IEP can be invalidated if it is based on a flawed evaluation of the child (Bonadonna v. Cooperman, 1985). The student is entitled to an independent evaluation if the parents disagree with the school district’s evaluation. However, the school district is required to pay for the independent evaluation only if the parents can show that the district’s evaluation was not appropriate. If the parents do obtain an independent evaluation, the school district must consider the results of that evaluation (Assistance to the States, Â § 300. 503, 1999). However, that does not mean that the school district must adopt the recommendations of the independent evaluator (G. D. v. Westmoreland School District, 1991). Rights of Parents and Guardians Parents are given considerable due process rights on behalf of their children in the special education process. The intent of the IDEAis for them to become partners with school district personnel in the development of IEPs. The school district must provide the parents with proper notice before it proposes to take any action regarding the child’s identification or placement (IDEA, Â § 1415, b, 3, 1997). The parents must be invited to participate in all meetings in which the student’s evaluation or placement will be considered (Assistance to the States, Â § 300.345, 1999). If the parents disagree with any decisions made by school district personnel, they may seek resolution either through voluntary mediation or an administrative due process hearing. If the parents disagree with the final result of the administrative hearing process, they may appeal to the federal or state courts (IDEA, Â § 1415, 1997). Failure to provide parents with the rights outlined in the IDEA can invalidate an otherwise appropriate IEP (Osborne, 1996). Change in Placement Procedures Once a child has been placed in special education, that placement may not be arbitrarily changed. Again, before any change in placement may occur, the parents must be given proper notification. The child’s placement also may not be changed while any administrative due process or judicial proceedings are pending absent parental consent or a court order (IDEA, Â § 1415, j, 1997). The actual determination of what constitutes a change in placement can be tricky. For example, if a special education classroom was physically moved from one school to another as part of a school district reorganization, that would not be considered a change in placement as long as the student’s IEP could be fully implemented in the new location. By the same token, the usual movement of a student from one level to another (i. e. , elementary to middle school) is not a change in placement if the student’s IEP can be fully implemented after the change (Osborne, 1996). However, any move that would affect the IEP or its implementation would be considered a change in placement. Obviously, changing a child from a resource room situation to a substantially separate class for students with behavioral disorders would be a change in placement. The elimination of a component of the student’s educational program would also constitute a change in placement (Abney v. District of Columbia, 1988). Minor changes are allowable, however. The key to determining whether or not the change is acceptable is how the modification will affect the student’s learning (DeLeon v. Susquehanna Community School District, 1984).

Monday, September 16, 2019

History of Cricket Essay

Origin No one knows when or where cricket began but there is a body of evidence, much of it circumstantial, that strongly suggests the game was devised during Saxon or Norman times by children living in the Weald. It is generally believed that cricket survived as a children’s game. Adult participation is unknown before the early 17th century. Possibly cricket was derived from bowls Derivation of the name of â€Å"cricket† A number of words are thought to be possible sources for the term â€Å"cricket†. In the earliest known reference to the sport in 1598 (see below), it is called creckett. The name may have been derived from the Middle Dutch krick(-e), meaning a stick; or the Old English cricc or cryce meaning a crutch or staff.[2] Another possible source is the Middle Dutch word krickstoel, meaning a long low stool used for kneeling in church and which resembled the long low wicket with two stumps used in early cricket. Early 17th century Gambling and press coverage Cricket certainly thrived after the Restoration in 1660 and is believed to have first attracted gamblers making large bets at this time. In 1664, the â€Å"Cavalier† Parliament passed the Gaming Act 1664 which limited stakes to  £100.With freedom of the press having been granted in 1696, cricket for the first time could be reported in the newspapers. During the first half of the 18th century, press reports tended to focus on the betting rather than on the play 18th-century cricket Patronage and players Gambling introduced the first patrons because some of the gamblers decided to strengthen their bets by forming their own teams and it is believed the first â€Å"county teams† were formed in the aftermath of the Restoration in 1660, especially as members of the nobility were employing â€Å"local experts† from village cricket as the earliest professionals.[5] Cricket moves out of England Cricket was introduced to North America via the English colonies in the 17th century,[4] probably before it had even reached the north of England. In the 18th century it arrived in other parts of the globe. It was introduced to the West Indies by colonists[4] and to India by British East India Company mariners in the first half of the century. It arrived in Australia almost as soon as colonization began in 1788. New Zealand and South Africa followed in the early years of the 19th century.[5] Development of the Laws In 1744, the Laws of Cricket were codified for the first time and then amended in 1774, when innovations such as lbw, middle stump and maximum bat width were added. These laws stated that the principals shall choose from amongst the gentlemen present two umpires who shall absolutely decide all disputes. Cricket and crisis Cricket faced its first real crisis during the 18th century when major matches virtually ceased during the Seven Years War. This was largely due to shortage of players and lack of investment. But the game survived.Cricket faced another major crisis at the beginning of the 19th century when a cessation of major matches occurred during the culminating period of the Napoleonic Wars. Again, the causes were shortage of players and lack of investment. But, as in the 1760s, the game survived and a slow recovery began in 1815. In the 1820s, cricket faced a major crisis of its own making as the campaign to allow roundarm bowling gathered pace. 19th-century cricket International cricket begins The first ever international cricket game was between the USA and Canada in 1844. In 1859, a team of leading English professionals set off to North America on the first-ever overseas tourIn 1877, an England touring team in Australia played two matches against full Australian XIs that are now regarded as the inaugural Test matches. South Africa became the third Test nation in 1889 20th-century cricket When the Imperial Cricket Conference (as it was originally called) was founded in 1909, only England, Australia and South Africa were members. India, West Indies and New Zealand became Test nations before the Second World War and Pakistan soon afterwards in the closing years of the 20th century, three affiliate nations became Test nations also: Sri Lanka, Zimbabwe and Bangladesh. Limited-overs cricket In the 1960s, English county teams began playing a version of cricket with games of only one innings each and a maximum number of overs per innings. Starting in 1963 as a knockout competition only, limited overs grew in popularity and in 1969 a national league was created which consequently caused a reduction in the number of matches in the County Championship. The first limited overs international match took place at Melbourne Cricket Ground in 1971. It was tried simply as an experiment and to give the players some exercise, but turned out to be immensely popular. Limited overs internationals (LOIs or ODIs, after one-day Internationals) have since grown to become a massively popular form of the game The International Cricket Council reacted to this development by organising the first Cricket World Cup in England in 1975, with all the Test playing nations taking part. Increasing use of technology Innovative techniques that were originally introduced for coverage of LOI matches were soon adopted for Test coverage. The innovations included presentation of in-depth statistics and graphical analysis, placing miniature cameras in the stumps, multiple usage of cameras to provide shots from several locations around the ground, high speed photography and computer graphics technology enabling television viewers to study the course of a delivery and help them understand an umpire’s decision. In 1992, the use of a third umpire to adjudicate runout appeals with television replays was introduced in the Test series between South Africa and India. The third umpire’s duties have subsequently expanded to include decisions on other aspects of play such as stumpings, catches and boundaries 21st-century cricket Cricket remains a major world sport in terms of participants, spectators and media interest. The ICC has expanded its development programme with the goal of producing more national teams capable of competing at Test level. Development efforts are focused on African and Asian nations; and on the United States. In 2004, the ICC Intercontinental Cup brought first-class cricket to 12 nations, mostly for the first time. In June 2001, the ICC introduced a â€Å"Test Championship Table† and, in October 2002, a â€Å"One-day International Championship Table†. Australia has consistently topped both these tables in the 2000s. Cricket’s newest innovation is Twenty20, essentially an evening entertainment. It has so far enjoyed enormous popularity and has attracted large attendances at matches as well as good TV audience ratings. The inaugural ICC Twenty20 World Cup tournament was held in 2007 with a follow-up event in 2009. The formation of Twenty20 leagues in India – the unofficial Indian Cricket League, which started in 2007, and the official Indian Premier League, starting in 2008 – raised much speculation in the cricketing press about their effect on the future of cricket.[15][16][17][18] LAWS OF CRICKET Law 1: A cricket team consists of eleven players, including a captain. Law 2: a substitute may be brought on for an injured fielder but he can’t bat , bowl , act as captain or keep wicket Law 3: There are two umpires, who apply the Laws, make all necessary decisions, and relay the decisions to the scorers. In higher level cricket there is a third umpire Law 4:. There are two scorers who respond to the umpires’ signals and keep the score. Law 5: A cricket ball is between 8 13/16 and 9 inches (22.4 cm and 22.9 cm) in circumference, and weighs between 5.5 and 5.75 ouncesOnly one ball is used at a time, unless it is lost, when it is replaced with a ball of similar wear. Law 6: The bat. The bat is no more than 38 inches (97 cm) in length, and no more than 4.25 inches (10.8 cm) wide. The hand or glove holding the bat is considered part of the bat. the blade of the bat must be made of wood Law 7: . The pitch is a rectangular area of the ground 22 yards (20 m) long and 10 ft (3.0 m) wide. Law 8: . The wicket consists of three wooden stumps that are 28 inches (71 cm) tall. The stumps are placed along the batting crease with equal distances between each stump. They are positioned so they are 9 inches (23 cm) wide. Two wooden bails are placed on top of the stumps. The bails must not project more than 0.5 inches (1.3 cm) above the stumps, and must, for men’s cricket, be 45⠁„16 inches (10.95 cm) long.. Law 9: Each bowling crease should be 8 feet 8 inches (2.64 m) in length, centred on the middle stump at each end. The popping crease, which determines whether a batsman is in his ground or not, and which is used in determining front-foot no balls (see law 24), is drawn at each end of the pitch in front of each of the two sets of stumps. The popping crease must be 4 feet (1.2 m) in front of and parallel to the bowling crease The return creases lie perpendicular to the popping crease and the bowling crease, 4 feet 4 inches. Law 10: the rules governing how pitches should be prepared, mown, rolled, and maintained. Law 11: The pitch must be covered before play to protect it from due and rain. Law 12: Before the game, the teams agree whether it is to be over one or two innings, and whether either or both innings are to be limited by time or by overs. Law 13: In a two innings match, if the side batting second scores substantially fewer runs than the side batting first, the side that batted first can force their opponents to bat again immediately. Law 14: The batting captain can declare an innings closed at any time when the ball is dead. He may also forfeit his innings before it has started. Law 15: There are intervals between each day’s play, a ten-minute interval between innings, and lunch, tea and drinks interval s. There are also provisions for moving the intervals and interval lengths in certain situations. Law 16: Play after an interval commences with the umpire’s call of â€Å"Play†, and at the end of a session by â€Å"Time†. Law 17: There may be no batting or bowling practice on the pitch except before the day’s play starts and after the day’s play has ended. Law 18:. Runs are scored when the two batsmen run to each other’s end of the pitch. Law 19:. If the ball is hit into or past this boundary, four runs are scored, or six runs if the ball didn’t hit the ground before crossing the boundary. Law 20: If a ball in play is lost or cannot be recovered, the fielding side can call â€Å"lost ball†. The batting side keeps any penalty runs. Law 21: The side which scores the most runs wins the match. Law 22:. An over consists of six balls bowled, excluding wides and no balls. A bowler may not bowl two consecutive overs. Law 23:. The ball comes into play when the bowler begins his run up, and becomes dead when all the action from that ball is over. Once the ball is dead, no runs can be scored and no batsmen can be dismissed. Law 24: if the bowler bowls from the wrong place; or if he straightens his elbow during the delivery; or if the bowling is dangerous; or if the ball bounces more than twice or rolls along the ground before reaching the batsman; or if the fielders are standing in illegal places, a ball can be called no ball.. Law 25:. An umpire calls a ball â€Å"wide† if, in his or her opinion, the batsman did not have a reasonable opportunity to score off the ball. A ball is called wide when the bowler bowls a bouncer that goes over the head of the batsman Law 26:. If a ball passes the striker and runs are scored, they are called byes. If a ball that is not a no ball h its the striker but not the bat and runs are scored, they are called leg-byes. Law 27: If the fielders believe a batsman is out, they may ask the umpire â€Å"How’s That?†, commonly shouted emphatically with arms raised, before the next ball is bowled. The fielding side must appeal for all dismissals. Law 28: Several methods of being out occur when the wicket is put down. Law 29: The batsmen can be run out or stumped if they are out of their ground. Law 30: A batsman is out if his wicket is put down by a ball delivered by the bowler. Law 31: An incoming batsman must be ready to face a ball within 3 minutes of the outgoing batsman being dismissed, otherwise the incoming batsman will be out. Law 32: If a ball hits the bat or the and is then caught by the opposition within the field of play before the ball bounces, then the batsman is out. Law 33: If a batsman willfully handles the ball with a hand that is not touching the bat without the consent of the opposition, he is out. Law 34: If a batsman hits the ball twice, other than for the sole purpose of protecting his wicket or with the consent of the opposition, he is out. Law 35: If, after the bowler has entered his delivery stride and while the ball is in play, a Law 36: If the ball hits the batsman without first hitting the bat, but would have hit the wicket if the batsman was not there, and the ball does not pitch on the leg side of the wicket, the batsman will be out. Law 37: If a batsman willfully obstructs the opposition by word or action, he is out. Law 38: A batsman is out if at any time while the ball is in play no part of his bat or person is grounded behind the popping crease and his wicket is fairly put down by the opposing side. Law 39: A batsman is out when the wicket-keeper puts down the wicket, while the batsman is out of his crease and not attempting a run. Law 40: The keeper is a designated man from the bowling side allowed to stand behind the stumps of the batsman. He is the only player from his side allowed to wear gloves and external leg guards. Law 41: A fielder is any of the eleven cricketers from the bowling side.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

About Negativity Essay

And you stare at it happen, as it happens right in front of you, and say no. Just, no. It can’t work out like this. It’s not supposed to end like this. In what kind of fucked up story does the bad guy win? In what kind of story does the victim end up in disbelief that she never got the justice she deserved. That’s when you realize you’re the villain. But no, the other person’s not innocent either, they’re the villain too. They’re worse than you, but you’re still the villain, because you let it get this way. Everything’s your fault. And you hate everyone. And you hate yourself. And you hate everything. And your so filled with hate that you just want to end it all. And then you realize that if you do that, you’ll be hated even more, and that realization makes you hate them more, and there’s just so much fucking hate and no way to end it. And that hate turns into sorrow and confusion and pointlessness, and it’s endless really. And it’s as blunt as I just put it because there’s no other way to express yourself lyrically when you’re that upset. And in all the hate you feel homicidal, suicidal, maniac, and repulsive. And there’s no way out. See more: Examples of satire in adventures of huckfinn essay And there’s no one to help you, because you’re too embarrassed to share these repulsive feelings with anyone but yourself. And you’re your only companion, but it doesn’t matter because you’re used to it being that way. And you’re shaking, shivering, bawling in your loneliness, not feeling sorry for yourself like your accused of but hating yourself. No. It can’t be like this, the villain doesn’t feel this way. But the victim doesn’t hate this way. And you find the devil’s in your thoughts, and you’re nothing but a victim of yourself. And the cycle of hatred†¦ it starts again.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

DICOM VS Captiva Case Study Essay

1. What are the key business success factors and risks for DICOM and Captiva? DICOM is a Swiss company that has sales in Europe, Asia, and the United States. They provide services ranging from structured, semi-structured, and unstructured information capture products. DICOM also sells hardware, primarily scanners, through its group sales force. DICOM has differentiated their product offering for the different regions that it operates. And the products that are provided are developed through research and development and also acquisitions. This allows DICOM to provide a diverse set of products that can cover many markets and many different users. DICOM operates in the U.S. under Kofax capture software that was bought in 2004 and primarily offers the information capture software’s to their consumers. There are risks in this industry. DICOM operates in many different markets and is subject to inflation, interest, and foreign currency risks. DICOM operates in three different geographic segments that are managed independently of each other. Each market has their own inherent risks and DICOM needs to be aware of every possible circumstance in order to remain prosperous. Captiva Corporation is a U.S. based company that provides similar services as DICOM. Captiva sells structure, semi-structured, and unstructured information capture products, but also sells hardware. Captiva uses its own research and development, as well as strategic acquisitions to provide customers with the different types of information capture products. Captiva sells primarily in the United States, but is able to sell in the areas of insurance, financial services, technology, government, and manufacturing. Involvement in so many distinct markets allows Captiva to hedge their risks better against harsh economic times and different interest rate risks. Additionally, Captiva has a large chain of resellers, which accounts for nearly 39% of revenues. Future profits will best be achieved by leveraging to existing customer base, increase reseller sales, moving into new markets, and broadening the product offering. But like DICOM, Captiva has business risks that they need to be aware of in their industry. Captiva has 80% of their sales in the United and States and cannot hedge their risks if a crisis develops in that country. Captiva has a large amount of revenues coming from resellers and a drop in this segment could lose the company millions. 2. Do the financial statements for the two firms enable you to compare their performance? If not, what changes need to be made to ensure comparability? The financial statements are for two different governmental requirements from two different countries. DICOM operates under the European system of IFRS and Captiva operates under GAAP. With this said, just looking at the financial statements makes it extremely difficult to determine performance. To be able to make a comparison between the two companies easier, their needs to be a reconciliation of the two different accounting systems. IFRS and GAAP need to be put together to form one individual accounting entity. What exactly need to be changed are the standards. When looking at the balance sheet, you are able to see just how different the systems operate. In GAAP, cash is the first line, but in IFRS Fixed assets are the first line. Changing to a consolidated system would allow for the best way to make an accurate comparison between t wo firms in different geographical regions. 3. What financial ratios would you use to judge performance of DICOM and Captiva? How do they compare on these dimensions? The financial ratio used to give us a better assessment of performance is return on equity. Return on equity is the amount of income earned from shareholder investments. And this gives us a look at how much money a company is able to generate from their shareholders. Return on equity is profit margin X asset turnover X financial leverage. The table below shows the ROE for the two companies in the periods of 2003 and 2004. As we can tell from the chart, Captiva earns more money per dollar of shareholder investment than DICOM. To further get a better understanding of the companies, we can use financial, liquidity, and debt ratios to measure performance. DICOM has a better return on assets than Captiva, but not by much. So, we can determine that they both are similar in this area. Captiva has higher gross margins and lower debt than DICOM. So, it is predictable that Captiva has access to money faster and can leverage this pool of resources to invest in R&D and acquiring new companies. 4. Which company do you rate as the better investment? WHY? Both companies are in a fast paced, technology based industry. Before investing, you need to do the proper due diligence into all functions of the business before investing. In this case, it is decided that we would invest in Captiva. Captiva is a U.S. based company that is diversified into many different sectors. They sell to government, insurance, technology, and manufacturing. This would help them hedge against economic risks. Captiva is also not as affected by inflation, currency, and interest rate risk as DICOM. Captiva also is currently providing a higher return on equity on their investments. This shows that the money that is provided is being used efficiently. Captiva seems to be doing well in the U.S. domestic market and has a secondary reseller section that provides stability and consistent revenues. Captiva seems to be the company that can provide the growth and sufficient returns on investments that we are currently look for.

Assignment: Law practical writing

Assignment: Law practical writing March 20, 2015 xxxx Dear Mr Carlos Santiago, Mr Alfonso Ribeira owns one hectare land, which he uses for producing ethical foie gras. He does this by using a method of forced-feeding geese. Ethical foie gras is produced by making use of the natural instinct of geese to eat the wild yellow lupines seeds in the winter months. Which is then used for the production of foie gras. Due to the conduct of which occurred on 1 December 2014 – when insecticide was applied on my client’s property by the defendant Mr. Carlos Santiago – my client, Mr Alfonso Ribeira, has suffered losses both towards his geese and his business. Therefore I hereby demand, on behalf of my client Mr. Alfonso Ribeira, a sum of (approximately) ‘10.000,- to compensate these loss(es). This liability is based on the basic rule for tort liability in the Draft Common Frame of Reference (DCFR) found in Art. 1:101, (1): †A person who suffers legally relevant damage has a right to reparation from a person who caused the damage ‘intentionally’ or ‘negligently’ or is otherwise accountable for the ‘causation’ of damage.† The demand has been established on the basis of negligence and causation, which has lead to legally relevant damages. These actions are the following: You were aware of Mr Alfonso Rebeira’s business on his hectare; The insecticide comes with a precaution measure, on when and how to use it – making it evident that it should not be applied on windy days – for which you have ignored. The insecticide was blown on the lupin seeds. You were fully aware that the geese were eating the seeds, and that this would cause in their death, yet no warning was given to your neighbor at the time that the product was sprayed. The death of the geese has caused damage to Mr Alfonso Rebeira’s business and therefore an economic detriment. The fact that you used the insecticide on a day which was prescribed NOT to use, has led to the chain of liable activities. The decision to use the insecticide on a windy day has resulted in negligent behavior, according to Article 3:102: ‘A person causes legally relevant damage negligently when that person causes the damage by conduct. Does not meet the particular standard of care provided by a statutory provision whose purpose is the protection of the person suffering the damage from that damage. Does not otherwise amount to such care as could be expected from a reasonably careful person in the circumstances of the case’ On the one hand you have followed the statutory regulations by applying the insecticide between the required months, as stated in the regional Insecticide Regulation (2008). On the other hand you did not amount to the expected care when you sprayed the insecticide on a windy day regardless of the warning stated on the label. Therefore you have not met the standard stated in Article 3:102 (b). This makes you liable for negligence. Regarding the insecticide regulation, you have had enough time to use the product on a windless day between the months. Furthermore, since you have had more than enough time to spray the insecticide on a windless day after the 1st of December, you have acted negligently. The activity that occurred negligently: on 1 December 2014, (the defendant) Carlos Santiago applied an insecticide to his young olive trees in accordance with the regional Insecticide Regulation (2008) which stated: * Insecticide can be applied only from 1 May to 1 January at the discretion of the user. The label on the insecticide prescribed the following precaution; To spray the insecticide on windless days. Art. 4:101, (1) (1) A person causes legally relevant damage to another if the damage is to be regarded as a consequence of: ‘ (a) That person’s conduct; or ‘ (b) a source of danger for which that person is responsible (2) In cases of personal injury or death the injured persons’ predisposition with respect to the type or extent of the injury sustained is to be disregarded negligence DCFR: Article3:102 Negligence ‘Apersoncauseslegallyrelevantdamagenegligentlywhenthatpersoncausesthedamagebyconductwhicheither: (a)Doesnotmeettheparticularstandardofcareprovidedbyastatutoryprovisionwhosepurposeistheprotectionofthepersonsufferingthedamagefromthatdamage; (b)Doesnototherwiseamounttosuchcareascouldbeexpectedfromareasonablycarefulpersoninthecircumstancesofthecase’ issue rule analyses application conclusion Alfonso Ribeira started a business producing ethical foie gras. – Carlos owns the adjacent hectare. (Ethical foie gras is produced by making use of the natural instinct of geese to eat acorns, different types of grasses and the wild yellow lupines seeds in the winter months) On 1 December 2014, Carlos applied an insecticide to his young olive trees in accordance with the regional Insecticide Regulation (2008). Insecticide can be applied only from 1 May to 1 January at the discretion of the user. here is light wind in these months and therefore the toxic product does not easily spread to neighboring fields. The product labels also warn users to spray the insecticide on windless days. On 1 December 2014 a strong wind hit the region. Carlos, carried out his plan to spray his trees on that day. The yellow lupines were exposed for a few days to the insecticide. Result: 50 geese died because they ate the seeds of the yellow lupines.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Robots Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Robots - Research Paper Example ..............................................................................7 Recommendations ..........................................................................................................7 REFERENCES................................................................................................................9 The global technological advancement has hit higher notch with a shift to use of robot in several activities. It is important to discuss in lengths and depths the significance of robot technology in regard to the increasing need for efficiency in production and service delivery for a better living in the society. Scientists are making several attempts to develop a wide variety of robots that can reason nearly as a human being and undertake several activities. In this respect, it is important to note that further investigation is critical as far as ethical concerns are concerned in the robot technology. There is more investigation on how to improve robot to human interaction as this would result into break rough in their efficiency. A. Background - Robots are man made virtual artificial agents that are computer programmed and can be guided to carry out several activities normally done by man. More research and development efforts by countries and individuals have led to increased application of robots in the society. Ranging from the medical field, space exploration, military among others, scientists are continuously developing more sophisticated robots. Robots are always electro-mechanically operated and therefore lack human aspects which are the greatest concern. B. Purpose/Audience–The purpose of my research paper is to bring awareness and define possible solutions that robot scientists are studying to solve the problem of human robot interaction. By exposing the problem and its severity, this paper may also motivate scientists to invest in solving this crisis. Robotic research scientist students will be the primary audience for my

Thursday, September 12, 2019

The World Oil Market Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The World Oil Market - Assignment Example A tight balance between supply and demand can lead to high prices that cause both higher expenditures for consumers and higher incomes for producers. In economics, exhaustible resources generally follow the rule that the rate of growth must equal the rate of interest in order to reach industry equilibrium. However, due to the unpredictable character of future oil supply and demand conditions, oil prices do not generally follow this rule. Most of the time, it exhibits backwardation wherein future prices are lower than current ones. Future demand is hard to predict because it is difficult to foresee changes in energy technologies and it takes years for consumers to switch to other resources should prices go off the roof. On the other hand, investment is expensive and risky and it takes a while before production supply turns to high capacity. Oil prices also behave unexpectedly since the market is responsive to speculative pressures, operational constraints, and political conditions. Hu rricane Katrina, by reducing gasoline supplies (which is chiefly derived from crude oil), became one dramatic factor that caused oil prices to skyrocket in 2005. The storm reduced oil production, transportation, and refining capacity--it paralyzed major oil and gasoline pipelines that carried supplies down from the Gulf Mexico and took down offshore oil platforms. Power outages also caused problems in oil and natural gas distribution in many areas. The large drop in supplies caused oil prices to rise. Additionally, consumer expectation contributed to the demand component. With the hurricane retarding oil production and restricting supplies, they expected prices to rise. They immediately increased the demand by buying gasoline, hoping to fill up their tanks before prices start to rise. Reduced supply and increased demand caused oil prices to increase dramatically, as shown in the graph below: 3. Analyze the structure of the world oil market & identify what kind of market structure it has.   The world oil market structure is oligopolistic since the market is dominated by a limited number of suppliers. An industry is said to be oligopolistic if few supply the majority of the output and if those suppliers are interdependent. In oil production, about 50 percent of the output and 70 percent of the reserves are controlled by a cartel. Production is handled by both the public and private sectors. However, oil production is just one aspect of the market-converting and refining it to other consumer products is another facet of the total world oil industry, one which has its own dynamics and regulations. Worldwide supply and demand determine oil prices, with great influence from OPEC. On the supply side, OPEC provides most of the world's supply and normally acts as a semi-cartel, influencing oil prices by maintaining excess capacity. It also tries to maintain oil prices at its target level by setting quotas or production limits for its members. On the other hand, non-O PEC suppliers have generally limited reserves and typically behave as price takers. OPEC's policy in recent times is to control crude oil inventories and reserves in consuming nations in order to balance the market.

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

The grieving process Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The grieving process - Essay Example determinants of grief differ according to various factors such as significance attributed to the loss, circumstances surrounding the loss, and utilization of support networks. The grieving process and stages features in Elisabeth Kubler-Ross book, On Death and Dying (1969). Although, the five stages can be regarded as universal, they do not necessarily follow a linear order. Sadness (feelings of pain and sorrow) is the prominent feeling experienced in grief triggered by feelings of emptiness or despair, although distracted by denial, anger, guilt, and fear, which trigger defense mechanisms (Shives, 2008). Shock is mainly an initial response to loss as the individual seeks emotional protection from the overwhelming loss. Most individuals rationalize the loss with numbed disbelief, in an effort to escape from reality (Webb, 2011). The denial and isolation plays out when individuals perceive it to be a mistake. Denial is predominantly a temporary defense followed by isolation. Individuals normally replace denial with feelings of frustration, rage, resentment, and envy. Anger is a common response to feelings of frustration, abandonment, or powerlessness (Webb, 2011). The anger may be directed towards self, God, or life due to the perceived injustices occasioned by the loss. Pain and guilt features less extreme self-reproach regarding things that the griever feels failed to do prior to the loss (Timby, 2009). Bargaining stems from the realization that the individual cannot derive much from anger, and thus opts to make a last ditch negotiation with fate and God. This is heralded by feelings of helplessness and vulnerability. The patient or individual normally reverts to some form of childhood response. Bargaining in this case may feature an endeavor to downplay loss demonstrated by an alteration in behavior (Webb, 2011). Depression arises when the individual can no longer deny or ignore the loss as the feelings of immense loss sinks in, and anger and

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

The Divine Comedy. The World Structure and The Role of Virgil Essay

The Divine Comedy. The World Structure and The Role of Virgil - Essay Example Thus, there are at least 3 dimensions of Dante’s relationship with Ancient Greek and Roman culture: the poetical one, that is, the influence of the language and symbolism of the previous ages; the difference in world order in Dante’s and classic thinkers’ visions; and the most specific one, Dante’s relationship with Virgil as outlined in the Divine Comedy. This essay addresses all 3 of them. Poetical Aspect Many Dante scholars agree that the most important cultural trait of Classical poetry in the Divine Comedy is its style, that is, its verse, rhetorical topoi, strictness of composition, and the characteristics of genre (Curtius 353-358). Virgil, as well as other figures of ancient writers/rhapsodes such as Lucan and Homer, was the one of the â€Å"regulated poets† whose writing had an imprint of elaborate poetical systems (Curtius 354). Dante wanted his verse and his vision of afterlife to be systematic and logical. Dante’s structured of In ferno is even more elaborate than Virgil’s: in the Aeneid (VI), Aeneus travels through only three sectors of Hell, not shaped as circles and surrounded by different basins rather than parts of one system (Virgil). Still, the overall structure is the same: it is a descriptive journey with a powerful guide (Sybil in Aeneus’s case) beginning in the dark wood and ending on the light mountain top: â€Å"And takes a rising ground, from thence to see / The long procession of his progeny† (Aeneid VI.1024). As for merely linguistic influences, Curtius finds numerous Latinisms in the Divine Comedy , such as his use of the river (‘Fuime’) image used to demonstrate the eloquence of Dante’s speech as related to Virgil’s (Curtius 356). Most of these Latinisms are Medieval, not related to Renaissance poetics (Curtius 354). They indicate that Dante perceived Virgil’s worldview mainly through medieval lens. Thus, his ideas of human nature and th e structure of the world are different from Virgil’s and much closer to Christianity. The World Structure The meaning of Hell is strikingly different in the Divine Comedy and the Classic culture. Dante’s Hell and Purgatory are designed for sinners, being something like a disciplinary place for corrupted souls; thus, it has a strict hierarchy, and every punishment is logically connected with the crime, like the Diviners in Canto XX who are forced to walk with their heads turned back. The punishments are arranged according to the severity of crime, descending into the depth and ending with the frozen circle, like in other medieval literary descriptions of Hell (Turner 87). As the main function of Hell is punishment, the characters are described vividly, in the flesh, and usually with some moral assessment: Those spirits, faint and naked, color chang'd, And gnash'd their teeth, soon as the cruel words They heard.   God and their parents they blasphem'd, The human kind, the place, the time, and seed That did engender them and give them birth (Divine Comedy III.94-98) This is the description of the souls (disembodied!) about to be transported by Charon. In Virgil’s version, it is Charon who provokes disgust; the souls of the dead are described in a neutral if not compassionate way: An airy crowd came rushing where he stood, Which fill'd the margin of the fatal flood: Husbands and wives, boys and unmarried maids, And mighty heroes' more majestic shades, And youths, intomb'd before their fathers' eyes, With hollow groans, and shrieks, and feeble cries (Aeneid VI.422-427). Virgil’s vision of the afterlife, like that of many other Ancient Greeks and Romans, is morally neutral: it’s a fate, an important category of Ancient worldview. Like Ovid, Virgil believed that death is a

Monday, September 9, 2019

Negative Impacts of Large Salaries of Professional Athletes Essay

Negative Impacts of Large Salaries of Professional Athletes - Essay Example The large salary paid to athletes has been a controversial issue since time immemorial. Olympic gold winners such as Usain Bolt and Mike Tyson have topped the table of some of the highest paid athletes in the histories of their respective sports. Athletes make as much as thirty million dollars in a single sports event while a professional doctor in the united states may earn an average salary of slightly over $500,000 a year. The disparity is large a feature that makes athletes live a particular type of life that has consequently defamed both themselves and their respective sports. Among the living examples of poor management of the large salaries, including the life of the professional boxer Mike Tyson and several other athletes in Africa who have lived recklessly thereby losing either their lives or limbs thereby missing the sports (Mottram, 2005). Among the reasons that lead to a poor reputation, the large salaries have earned to both the sports and the athletes include the motivation arising from the large salaries. The athletes have therefore resorted to doing anything possible to win the medals in order to earn the large salaries. As explained earlier, the large salaries are often both a motivation and a reward for the strenuous exercises the athletes undergo during their sports. However, the fame and the millions of dollars have affected the lives of the athletes negatively thereby tarnishing the reputation of the sports. Doping, for example, is a contentious issue in athletes with the sports organizers calling back and banning many athletes who have won their trophies unscrupulously (Santo & Mildner, 2010).