Saturday, September 28, 2019

Models of Evidence-Based Practice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Models of Evidence-Based Practice - Essay Example Through the bundles, the practitioners select the best practices then put them together in an attempt to offer the best services and deliver the expected outcomes. In the clinical setting, the practitioners select the most appropriate bundles for certain conditions to improve patient care (Kim, 2011). This model would help in creating a procedure that will see Total knee arthroplasty (TKA) be of less pain. Pantoja & Britton (2011) indicate that the multidisciplinary approach is one that focuses on speeding up the attainment of quality care. Through the model, it is easy to define mechanisms that will lead to collaborative learning among the healthcare providers. Pantoja & Britton (2011) argue that more focus is shed on patient through the Multidisciplinary model. Through this model, Total knee arthroplasty (TKA) would be conducted by a multidisciplinary team; thus, a successful procedure. According to Riva, et al (2012), PICOT focuses on â€Å"P† for the population or the disorder in question, â€Å"I† for the intervention, â€Å"C† for comparison with other infections, â€Å"O† for the outcome after a diagnosis and â€Å"T† for the time frame set for the outcome of the intervention administered to take place. These questions present a formula for developing researchable questions and evaluating the existing evidence. The PICOT Model would allow for a systematic practice of conducting Total knee arthroplasty (TKA). Doody & Doody (2011) indicate that the IOWA model highlights the importance of analyzing the whole healthcare system from its infrastructure, the patients as well as the providers. Through this, Doody & Doody (2011) say it is possible to identify solutions to problems that exist in the system. Through IOWA, the entire healthcare system will shift its focus on alleviating pain on patients after going through Total knee arthroplasty (TKA). I would recommend the PICOT Model for implementation to this research problem because it is inclusive and provides a

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