Thursday, January 9, 2020

How do you measure political corruption, and what are the difficulties involved Free Essay Example, 3000 words

Political corruption is a complex and secret thing. Money and power in highly involved in it. Bribing is widely used in political corruption. Therefore a detailed analysis and tracking should be done on the flow of money in the political system. If this detailed study shows that high amount of bribing is involved in this process and the money flow of this system is not very clear that means high degree of political corruption is present in the system. The political system of a state must be trusted by its people. When a state experiences the lack of trust among the people towards its political system denotes that corruption is present somewhere in the political system of the state for which public becomes apathetic. Social peace is also associated with political corruptions. With the increase of crime in the society for legislative reasons states the level of political corruptions. High level of political corruption results in strong presence of violence in the society. The politica l parties want to establish their powers by ignoring the laws and misusing their powers. The Politics system of a state must be focused on providing peace and security to the citizens. We will write a custom essay sample on How do you measure political corruption, and what are the difficulties involved or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/pageorder now The rise of various political problems and social disputes are the indicator of political corruption. The government officials, political leaders and the government institutions support the reason of these problems for their own benefits. They are not concerned about the general people. It shows that they are not performing the responsibilities of their duty and are not abiding the written and formal rules and regulations of the state. Due to the vast scale and nature it is very difficult to measure the political corruptions with perfect accuracy. Different surveys and indices are used to measure this corruption. In the modern world the best tool for measuring corruption is Corruption Perception Index (CPI). It was initiated in 1995. It was created for measuring the issues of corruptions in international politics. In 1999 CPI included 99 countries of the world. International transparency is involved in CPI. Political corruption levels are evaluated by expert opinion and assessments. Transparency International produced the index of corruption perceptions. In 2012 CPI has done different assessments and surveys in different institutions for measuring political corruptions. Survey of public opinions is also used as a measuring tool of political corruption. It provides a clear picture of the degree till which the politicians and the public officials accept bribes, grants illegal payments in different procurement process of public, misuses public funds and commit offences.

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