Friday, July 19, 2019

How developed is Brazil? Essay -- Econimics

How developed is Brazil? BRAZIL Economic A Case Study of: - Developments in two contrasting regions of a country (South East / Amazonia / North). - Strategies used by a government to improve the economy (in a developing country). - Exploitation of new resources within a country. - Impact of economic / industrial development on the environment of a region or country. Setting the scene - How developed is Brazil ? Brazil, alongside Mexico is considered one of South America's newly industrialising countries. GRAPH Main exports Metallic ores, coffee, fruit, chemicals, machines, weapons In 1991 Brazil had a debt of $123 billion.This is owed to the USA, the EEC, Japan and the World Bank. It is claimed that Brazil is "the 10th largest economy in the world". However in some urban areas 50% of people live below the "Poverty Line". Recent changes (1970 - 1998): - More people employed in manufacturing industry. - Fewer people employed in farming but between 1982 - 1990 agircultural output increased by 38%. - Over 50% of population employed in Services. - Increase in land used for farming - large estate plantations and ranching. - Rapid growth in "informal sector" jobs - working without official records (partic. in cities) such as street sellers, repairers, decorators etc. - Rapid growth of cities - over 75% of population live in cities. Of these 30 - 50% live below "poverty line". In the 1970's five main pressures created the debts: 1. Oil prices rose(doubled then quadrupled by 1979) so Brazils import bill increased as it tried to fuel growing industry. 2. Oil rich countries had money to lend - Brazil borrowed from t... ...outh est region where all raw materials; iron, coal, limestone are found. Near market - car industry in Sao Paulo (Volkswagen, Fiat, General Motors and Ford all located there, 4 of 2,000 foreign companies in Sao Paulo). Aircraft / defence industry big steel use too. 9. New weapons industry in Sao Paulo / Rio de Janeiroarea (South East region) - major growth 1975 - 1995. Located near major steel works. Defence commitments are important to Brazil (military government in 1960's - 1970's) - drug trafficking & guerilla wars along its borders. Located on new motorway routes - near decision making and industrial centres. 80% of Brazil's weapons are produced here as well as nuclear research near Sao Paulo. Brazil now exports weapons. The RAF makes a Tuscano training aircraft in Belfast, made from parts manufactured in Brazil.

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