Sunday, July 28, 2019

Prescription for Improvement of Organizational Behaviors- Part 5 Essay

Prescription for Improvement of Organizational Behaviors- Part 5 - Essay Example Gender discrimination was observed in the organization and as well as biases against older employees. Another negative attitude observed in the organization was that management do not let go any mistake of the employees, no matter how small it is and there is a very little mediation seen on the management side. All these create a negative impact on the organization. Budget restraint is another problem and the government should solve it. It not only creates problems during work but also restraint them to hold on their projects and activities which affects their work capabilities. The work overload is another problem in the organization and this is due to less staff and more work. Deploying more staff members can solve this problem. All these negative points increase complaining and too much complaining declines the quality of work as well as the work environment get tense. After observing the organization and the behavior of employees and manager, I am suggesting some ways to improve the environment of the organization. Drucker (2006) has given a very convincing analysis of what the effective manager should be like. As a manager, following steps can be taken in order to overcome these negative attitudes in the organization: According to Drucker (2006) â€Å"Effective executives do not start with their tasks. They start with their time.† As a manager, one must model positive behavior to all the employees, and it should never be negative. Each staff members is important for the manager and showing favoritism towards any staff member is a self-attack for the manager. So the first thing is that the behavior of the manager should be positive and a model for his employees. Manager must show confidence in the abilities of his staff members and like this a positive and constructive work place environment can be build. If a manager talks in a negative way and favors a particular employee, staff will follow him and will feel no shame in doing the same. When a

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