Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Bussiness Plan- physiotherapy clinic Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Bussiness Plan- physiotherapy clinic - Essay Example A partnership serves both the short term and long-term interests of the organization (Eisner, 2010). Firstly, as a recent graduate I have few financial resources. Secondly, I have limited experience working in a real world healthcare setting. As a result, having a partner with an established record of accomplishment in the physiotherapy healthcare segment and the financial resources to support the business is strategic. The business would benefit from our partnership as we merge our skills and abilities to deliver high quality and effective healthcare for our clients. The location of a business plays a significant role in determining success (Spaeder, 2014). The location of the business at the outskirts of the city is informed by a desire to have a serene environment for clients to recover. Although it means that clients have a difficult time accessing it as opposed to the city, the cost of renting the compound is significantly cheaper. In addition, it is crucial to get a big office space at an affordable rate. An analysis of the market demonstrated a demand for physiotherapy services. According to the US Physical Therapy organization (2014), the market is estimated at $ 19 billion and is projected to experience an annual growth rate of over 5%. Firstly, the area has many sports teams whose players would need regular physiotherapy attention. In addition, a large segment of the population is aging. As a result, there will be demand for physiotherapy services to deal with backaches and other forms of pain that are associated with the aging process (NHS, 2014). Physiotherapy plays an integral role in successful aging (Cox, 2004). Furthermore, the demand for physiotherapy services exceeds supply in the state. Although the clinic will cater for everyone, it is necessary on the female gender and aging demographic. The competitors include Elite Clinic and Monsanto Clinic. The former caters

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