Friday, August 30, 2019

Range of Problems Final Essay

In developing our quest of facing human service problems we are going to break out in categories of how I have learned them. My definition of problems is an experience or difficulty that the client has experienced due to the problems of living in today’s world. A Human Service Professional provides varied roles and assumes several responsibilities to help with successful care and devotion to the client to overcome their needs first hand. Choosing to work with people is a field that is a wonderful feeling and opportunity, helping makes a difference in many people’s lives. It contributes to building up values, helps inspire others for the work one is doing, gives ethical morale to agency and team of human service professionals you work with. Having unconditional acceptance for your clients and establishing a commitment to them treating them as you would want to be treated will help bring healing and establish the relationship that you so need to get them on their road to recovery. Finally, having honesty and awareness of yourself, knowing where you are in life, where you are going will always keep you in reflection of these principles. Understanding what our system in whole has developed will help us work effectively to recognize individuals situations and evaluate them carefully. There are three modules of service delivery and the interactions that formulate a successful means of treatment for the clients. You will find that many Professionals, such as Psychologist, Practitioners, Doctors, Therapists, Social Workers, and Counselors will utilize these modules to help diagnose and treat individuals. The medical module was openly seen as individuals were not â€Å"well† or â€Å"ill†. Then as time evolved the psychoanalytic method developed which is what we are using today, where patients are talking to therapist and a new theory of neurosis had taken place. Mental behavior has been an epidemic people are still unsure how to  approach, understanding the validity and following up with treatment and aftercare will improve as testing allows us. It is still a growing concern today as â€Å"living with problems† life is going so fast and we just don’t know how to slow down to deal with the way things are flying at us. The human service model focuses on the involvement between environment and persons trying to reach for balance. The public health model is focusing on geographical problems like abuse, poverty, illness is specific age brackets in categories, (children, the elderly) psychological, psychosis, ego or unexpected disasters that the client has endured or been diagnosed with. Gaining this foundation has proven to offer a course of action that will provide a standard classification to the direction of establishing the form of service to the client. A brief review of some problems that the human service professional’s face and identifying the helping skills that are most likely be used to help the client will be our subjects that we will be focusing on in the next few paragraphs. I would like to begin with a problems facing our human society that in my research I discovered about age and gender. According to Anderson et al. (1995) (Cultural Diversity and Suicide pg. 24) males completed suicide rate four times higher than females. Males used more lethal methods (i.e., handguns), but over 40 percent of females now choose handguns as their suicide choice as well. Adolescents and young adults (ages fifteen to twenty-four) and for people generally white men, over the age of seventy. Suicide is now the leading cause of death among fifteen- to nineteen- year- old adolescents. Clinicians may focus on the suicidal client’s view that life will never get better and that he or she will always be alone and have a poor job. The professional would attempt to get the client to view these thoughts more objectively and indicate to the client some thought provoking questions. Such as, â€Å"If you were to kill yourself who would you want to find you?† This question will serve two purposes: first, it will indicate to the client that suicide is only one of many options and, second, to determine with whom they may be upset with (redirect their thinking). Suicide is often based on an impulsive decision and that this decision can be faulty based on several factors, gaining rapport with the client helped them see their options. The Professional would like to ask the client to keep a thought log, to write down their thoughts and behaviors, this will help the client feel a sense of  purpose, hope and self-worth as well. Addiction and dependence, the seeking and searching for the drugs that effect our environments, communities, schools, our loved ones, and even our trusted medical and clergy fellowman/women. Yes, it is so very unfortunate, the craving for alcohol, crack, cocaine, heroin, ecstasy, and prescription drugs, marijuana that calls your name in the middle of the night. People can’t seem to get away from it, psychologically, they are physically dependent on it. Its severity varies with the individual, the situation and the substance. The National Institute on Drug Addiction reveals substance abuse has been linked to mental health problems, illness and occupational problems. It affects their social life and their ability to function as a healthy individual. (The Truth about Drugs pg.21, 22, 35) The complexity of the assistance required from the Professional depends on the severity of the problem and the state of the client. The Professional can use the Erikson’s stages developmental model to identify some of the problems with earlier stages of basic human life span. Developing a rapport with the individual, breaking the ice with the client, asking open- ended questions to get them to open up about their now situations. The helping process occurs over a period of time and there is preparation, application, administration, and certain strategies to be explored as a whole person. We may experience a client who has been involuntarily referred to our facility for counseling. For example, a court order was given to a juvenile because he committed a crime and he had been incarcerated. Depending on the crime judges do want them to receive counseling, to help in the social services department, or handle responsibilities related to their crimes. In conclusion we have covered the modules, some problems facing our human service clients today and the helping skills our Professionals use to assist with the road to recovery for the wellbeing of the client. Living life day to day with its problems are always going to affect each individual differently. As a person seeking a career in human services I value understanding the core strengths of listening, communication and teaching, advocating, and making myself be aware of the responsibilities of what is best for the client.

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