Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Solar Technology Uses The Sun s Energy - 1304 Words

Bob Johnstone, author of Switching to Solar, proclaims that every day the sun produces 970 trillion kilowatt-hours of energy (Johnson 11). Volker Quaschning – writer of Understanding Renewable Energy Systems – puts this fact in perspective by explaining how the world only uses one ten-thousandth of that quantity to power itself (Quaschning 22). This means that if humanity can find a way to harness even a fraction of the sun’s energy, the world will no longer need fossil fuels or other harmful energy sources. There are, of course, many ways to translate the sun’s power into electricity, but one stands out. After analyzing the benefits and possible downfalls, it is clear that solar technology holds incredible potential. Not only is it pure†¦show more content†¦In this way, despite the complexity of solar cells, they are reasonably efficient. A common concern about solar panels is their reliability and durability. Fortunately, these have both been addressed in the scientific community and simple solutions exist to help solar cells produce a steady flow for a longer time. At night or during a cloudy day, solar panels cannot produce electricity, however, this is provided for by including a lead-acid battery in the solar panel’s structure. It allows for energy to be stored and later used at times of low electricity output (Quaschning 158). As for durability, Bob Johnstone says that a twenty-year guarantee is now normal for solar cell companies; SunPower even declares that its panels will last for forty years (Johnstone 336; SunPower). An additional common question is about the cost of solar panels. While pricing can be steep, the cost has decreased overtime and will likely continue to do so. According to Sara Matasci – writer for EnergySage – between 2008 and 2017, prices for solar panels dropped 60%. Furthermore, the rate of change is increasing. In other words, prices are falling faster (Matasci). These numbers, when combined with the data for increasing efficiency and guaranteed durability, thoroughly portray the incredible potential solar panels have both for homeowners now and for future consumers. A strong benefit of solar technology isShow MoreRelatedSolar Power And Solar Energy1255 Words   |  6 PagesSolar energy is capable of providing a cleaner energy than most forms of energy generation, and solar energy is able to be generated economically. Solar energy reduces the amount of harm to the environment from energy generation, by providing a cleaner alternative. Solar energy also provides jobs for construction and installation of solar powered technologies. The cost of installing solar panels can vary greatly, but its long term benefits outweigh the costs. 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