Saturday, October 19, 2019

Case Study Of Shakira Suffering from Rheumatic Heart Disease

1.In the present case study, Shakira is suffering from Rheumatic heart disease (RHD) which refers to the condition of damaged heart valves due to episodes of acute rheumatic fever (ARF). ARF leads to inflammation of the heart, as a result of which the normal blood flow is restricted. The complications arising due to this condition include endocarditis and stroke (Rothenbà ¼hler et al., 2014). Social determinants of health influence an individual’s health outcome, and for Shakira the two significant social determinants are unemployment and social isolation. These two factors have led to inadequate access to healthcare. Living in an isolated rural area and the poor economic condition has restricted the sufficient access to healthcare that could have a prevented the occurrence of RHD. Unemployment has a negative impact on the decision making process around care provided to an individual. In the present case, Shakira’s mother’s poor economic condition has led to an improper care approach towards Shakira (Roberts et al., 2015). As per reports, aboriginal individuals suffer more chances of developing RHD than the nonindigenous population, and this chance is 64 times greater (, 2017). 2.Cultural awareness refers to the capability of a healthcare professional in being aware and knowledgeable about the cultural beliefs, values and traditions of other individuals that are distinctly different. A nurse needs to carry out research to become aware of the cultural background of Shakira and have a successful interaction (Holland, 2017). 3.Cultural sensitivity refers to the ability of a healthcare professional to perceive the cultural similarities and dissimilarities between two different individuals in a positive approach without disrespecting the other individual. A nurse needs to acknowledge the cultural beliefs and values of Shakira and not underestimate them while communicating with her (Norton & Marks-Maran, 2014). 4.The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Act 2005 had been established to promote the level of self-sufficiency and independence of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander population. The Act had been significant for focusing on the development of economic as well as the cultural status of this population through different programs (Willis et al., 2016). 5.The impact of colonisation on the health outcomes of the Aboriginal population is noteworthy. The reduced life expectancy of the population and the high rate of prevalence of a number of health conditions can be linked to the suffering and turmoil experienced by this population as a result of the colonisation. Due to the colonisation, there have been chaos and disturbances that have ultimately led to disputes and poor economic growth. Development and growth in different domains have been restricted to a considerable extent. The Aboriginals have therefore suffered physical and mental health concerns arising from loss, abuse and anguish. Disconnection from the mainland and non-indigenous population have added to the issues (Griffiths et al., 2016). 6.Consultation with community representatives would be a key approach to be taken on the enrolled nurse’s part in establishing an effective communication and building rapport that is culturally safe and appropriate. A community representative would be in a better position to understand the ethnic and cultural beliefs and systems of the aboriginal patient. A consultation with the representative would ensure that his advice is taken while communicating with the aboriginal individual. The representative would be helpful in guiding the manner in which the cultural beliefs are to be respected and acknowledged while communicating. In this way, the preferences of the patient would be included in his care plan (Willis et al., 2016). 7.Since Shakira and her family live in a remote rural area belonging to mostly indigenous population, chances are there that there might be a language barrier between the nurse and them. For avoiding any issues while consulting for Shakira and engaging in effective communication, it is required to have an interpreter who can foster the verbal communication. The second method that would be suitable for effective communication is understanding the level of education of the concerned individuals. Lower education level influences poor knowledge of healthcare. This is to be acknowledged, and communication is to rest upon this factor (Daly et al., 2017). 8.Displaying Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander art and posters that are visible from the entrance to the building would ensure that Shakira and her family feel comfortable since such an approach would indicate a culturally safe and sensitive environment. Shakira and her family would feel that their cultural is being valued and respected by the care givers (Norton & Marks-Maran, 2014). 9.I have the knowledge that indigenous culture and history play an important role in shaping the interaction they have with their counterparts. The culture and the value system that they uphold are responsible for creating a disconnection between the indigenous and non-indigenous population. The nonindigenous population does not perceive the perceptions of the indigenous population in a positive manner and thus isolate them from the mainstream population. As a result of this, the later have been socially excluded and live in remote rural areas, further aggravating the concern of insufficient communication between the two groups (Holland, 2017). 10.Insufficient use of healthcare services is the first indicator of culturally unsafe practice. In such situation, the individual might not be provided with adequate care resources. The second indicator would be situations in which the health care professional would not acknowledge the concerns of the indigenous patient in relation to any health complication (Ray, 2016). Burden of Disease. (2017).  Rheumatic Heart Disease Australia. Retrieved 19 October 2017, from Daly, J., Speedy, S., & Jackson, D. (2017).  Contexts of nursing : An introduction. Elsevier Health Sciences. Griffiths, K., Coleman, C., Lee, V., & Madden, R. (2016). How colonisation determines social justice and Indigenous health—a review of the literature.  Journal of Population Research,  33(1), 9-30. Holland, K. (2017).  Cultural awareness in   nursing and health care: an introductory text. CRC Press. Norton, D., & Marks-Maran, D. (2014). Developing cultural sensitivity and awareness in nursing overseas.  Nursing Standard,  28(44), 39-43. Ray, M. A. (2016).  Transcultural caring dynamics in nursing and health care. FA Davis. Roberts, K. V., Maguire, G. P., Brown, A., Atkinson, D. N., Remenyi, B., Wheaton, G., ... & Carapetis, J. (2015). Rheumatic heart disease in Indigenous children in northern Australia: differences in prevalence and the challenges of screening.  The Medical Journal of Australia,  203(5), 221. Rothenbà ¼hler, M., O'Sullivan, C. J., Stortecky, S., Stefanini, G. G., Spitzer, E., Estill, J., ... & Pilgrim, T. (2014). Active surveillance for rheumatic heart disease in endemic regions: a systematic review and meta-analysis of prevalence among children and adolescents.  The Lancet Global Health,  2(12), e717-e726. Willis, E., Reynolds, L., & Keleher, H. (Eds.). (2016).  Understanding the Australian health care system. Elsevier Health Sciences.

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