Friday, October 18, 2019

Educational Psychology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Educational Psychology - Essay Example However, many critics have proved Piaget to be inaccurate about the time in which the student is developmentally ready to conserve and because children develop individually and not just static some students are able to operate at a higher level than others. Further, some students may need concrete materials to manipulate whereas others may be able to solve the problem abstractly.The author of this paper â€Å"Educational Psychology† believes that selecting the appropriate lesson is important to the success of all students but it is critical to the success of students with disabilities. For example, the teacher with students with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (adhd) may adopt a task analysis approach to the teaching of numbers. In this approach the teacher must during preparation time, systematically and sequentially go through the steps involved in the understanding of the value of eleven. The teacher must itemize each step as this procedure would become a recipe fo r understanding the value of eleven. The teacher would begin the lesson by reviewing previously taught lessons to ensure that students remember the previous concepts and are ready to move forward. Also it would focus their minds to the lesson. Once the teacher is satisfied that students have the required previous knowledge and skill, then the teacher may proceed to distribute concrete examples of the numeral ten. The teacher may then allow students to count the objects up to 10. The next step would be to add one more object and elicit from students.  

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