Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Juvenile delinquency Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Juvenile delinquency - Assignment Example Girls are also expected to refrain from fighting or engaging in other such unladylike behaviors. These behaviors, to a large extent, affect how boys and girls will behave when they are adults (Parker, 76). While there are a number of men that have psychopathic personalities, the vast majority of criminals became that way because they were influenced by an erroneous view of what represents true masculinity back in their impressionable childhood years. The effect of single motherhood on teenage delinquency. Children who grow up in homes where only the mother is present are usually confronted with conflicting feelings that they may not have the mental capacity to solve. In addition, there is less parental supervision of their activities because their mothers are usually too busy trying to provide for them to adequately supervise them. This means that they are presented with more opportunities to engage in delinquent behaviors. It is also a fact that single parents try to befriend their children and unintentionally use them as supporters instead of acting as parents and disciplining them when the need arises. This means that even when they have the chance to, they are not likely to reprimand their children for wrong or irresponsible behavior because they want their children to like them so

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